Baseless: The Evidence the Left Doesn’t Want to Hear

BLUF (Bottom Line Upfront) The left should not use the word “baseless” when talking about claims of election fraud. Here’s a short list of just some of the illegal activity and statistical anomalies that apparently occurred in the 2020 general election. Unless otherwise noted, each claim comes from The Navarro Report. Between 80 and 100ContinueContinue reading “Baseless: The Evidence the Left Doesn’t Want to Hear”

Is Inslee’s Shutdown Justified?

Washington State’s Governor, Jay Inslee, who just won an unprecedented third term, is shutting the state down once again. Inslee said during a press conference on Sunday, “This spike puts us in a more dangerous a position as we were in March.” Yes. That’s a verbatim quote. But just how dangerous is the position we areContinueContinue reading “Is Inslee’s Shutdown Justified?”

The credo of the Left is nothing more than an attitude of platitudes

This sign is posted in the yards of many well-to-do liberals in my neighborhood. It really baffles me as to why they decided to make this their creed. The term “creed” comes from Latin meaning “I believe.” The Apostle’s Creed, which I subscribe to, is really where the term came from. “I believe in GodContinueContinue reading “The credo of the Left is nothing more than an attitude of platitudes”

Rioters and Rocket Ships: The age-old pull between emotion and reason

On Wednesday, June 3rd 2020, as SpaceX launched its long-awaited Dragon rocket towards the international space station, rioters took to our streets and began looting, setting fires to police cars, vandalizing, and shouting obscenities at our dedicated police officers. To me, it felt like we were just reliving history. Fifty years ago, on July 16,ContinueContinue reading “Rioters and Rocket Ships: The age-old pull between emotion and reason”